Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thanksgiving and Anniversary?

Well, I am behind the times by 3 weeks, but Happy Thanksgiving...and Happy Anniversary to me 15 years. So, this was the year that our Anniversary and Thanksgiving landed on the same day. It is so hard to believe that 15 years has come and gone already. It was also the first Thanksgiving that my parents spent in Tennessee away from the family. I filled my home with some family and LOTS of friends. We had the DeGraffs, the Vannans, and the Howards came all the way from their new home in Michigan. What great fun we had with the Howards here visiting us. We had such good times. Late nights, early mornings...back to our guest list...and few of the men in black, aka the Elders. It was lots of fun. Korey really praised my meal and the whole holiday. I braised our turkey for the first time, and while it was really easy to do, I was worried that it was too easy to prepare to turn out as juicy as my recipe claimed. But, Korey said that it was the BEST turkey EVER. I was so proud of my self. Tamara made some rockin gravy with the drippings.Our Anniversary kind of took the back burner, but that was ok because we were truly thankful that we had so many loved ones around us. We missed my parents greatly and even though they were not with us in body they were with us in spirit.
The only real recognition of the anniversary was the post that I put into the Democrat and Chronicle, the city was cute telling Korey that he would be MY turkey today, tomorrow and forever and for always. Getting him to see it in the paper took a little help from friends. Our friend Jim Vannan did a ride along with him in the police car, and told a little lie about needing the news paper for coupons or something...and started reading it and said, hey listen to what this ad says....and Korey did not believe him....but it was true.