Thursday, July 31, 2008

A brighter day....

Today was a much better day, the best day of the week so far! I have been really inspired to get reading the BOM more, and Katie (the View) shared with me a website to help move along this process for a procrastinator (me). LOVE IT! ( It is sooo cool! Anyway, my point is I have been actually doing it and I have felt better about that. I have had quite the week and I know it was me and my own attitude. So, anyway....after my YW Presidency meeting I was going to take the boys to see Wall-E at the theater. My middle son did not want to go, it is to old for that movie, he would rather go to my sisters to swim. So, Jacob and I had a mommy and me day. We have never gone to the movies alone, just the two of us. So, we headed in...of course got the popcorn, drink and sour patch candy...that cost more than the stinkin movie of course, but we had a great time. The movie was not what I thought it was going to be like, at the beginning there was no talking for a long time, but Jacob was really into it, so, it was cool with me. I need to do this sort of thing more with each one of the boys, I think it is great to do a one on one thing for all of us.
As well as realizing that, this week has been a week of revelation really, I realized I am craving family time. It is important as well as date time with just the husband. Korey and I NEVER do anything together it seems. He does his hunting, service, fishing, service, preparing for hunting, then preparing for fishing,more service projects, if you get what I mean. So, I realize that we need to do more things with just the two of us, have those date nights. Do more things as a complete family, not just me with the boys or him with the boys.....and to this in part I owe it to the blogs that I have been checking out....inspired you could really do more together. This will be so much easier since Korey will be off light duty soon from his foot surgery, and back on the road....he will then be on days once he goes back to regular duty. Since he has been a police officer he has NEVER worked days, so we got used to me do this with the boys and you do that with the boys mentality. So, having regular "business" hours is exciting for me and for the possibilities of fun we can now have together. I am very excited about this!

So, I guess the moral of my story today is taking the time to read my scriptures daily, and the daily prayers has helped me re-focus and realize that my family needs to be my priority and not sulk or mourn the loss of my career. (The money paying one....not the eternal blessings one....)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Family and Friends

Well, another family is moving really brings a lot of sadness to me. We take our family and friends for granted and then, when they are not there anymore, we always do that, would of, should of....I have never had such a year of change I don't think with people leaving our lives. Korey's grandma lost her husband just a month or so ago, and she is lonely and sad. She told me not to take love and life for granted. To think about living with out people has brought great sadness to me this week. I am usually a very strong person, only have a few moments of weakness, and then I shake it off. It has been hard to shake this feeling this week. My Ward is loosing more and more families and is not feeling like home so much to me anymore. So many new faces, but not familiar if you know what I mean. This has been my church for nearly all of my life, it is just different. So, yeah, I have been feeling sorry for my self, and dare I say missing big Korey? He is at Boy Scout Camp until Saturday and I can't wait to see him. Yeah, you can tell him I said miss him, and he actually misses me too. Good thing we got texting, cause we have been texting all day every day since he has been gone. It has actually been nice to still be able to talk that way, cause otherwise trying to understand him with the phone reception in the mountains would be just horrible.
So the moral to my story is to appreciate your friends when you have them, appreciate love and live life to the fullest.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blogging is time consuming...

So, I spent the morning trying to change my background to a cute one...something with some flair...and nothing, so I added music with Jordan's help reminding me of songs that I like...artists...that was fun actually. None of that would not have been possible with out the help from Chrys, so thanks Chrys for your instructions!! Well, hours later I had music and some other little items added to my blog. I did not think that I would even get back on here until tonight, when the kids were in bed. But, after a bike ride and a shower, I decided to make my list for my Presidency meeting of agenda items to go over, and that led me to my lesson that I have to teach which lead me to see a message about blogs, which led me to a great site where I found this cute is not exactly what I wanted, but it is cute and I like it! So, I guess I can see now how my kids get easily side tracked as I never finished my agenda, or my lesson....but I have a cute background!! :)
I am taking my kids out to Friendly's tonight with a friend from high school. I told them about this last night, well, more of a threat really...."If you don't be good tomorrow, I won't take you to Friendly's!" First thing when Jacob woke up he wanted to go to Friendly's, I had to let him know that it is not until the evening. He took that as an eternity away....and he slouched all over, and cried out, "but you said we would go today" the evening is today, but you know, he is 3....
I have heard too many times today, lets go to Friendly's, you would think that we never take them anywhere...well, lately we have not....
So, that is where I am off to, finely it is time to get in the car and go, little do they know that we are stopping at Walmart first.....wish me luck surviving that!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My first blog....

Not really sure why I decided to try this....I have checked out others today, and have been inspired I guess....
Not really sure what to say on my first blog...other than, I guess tell about myself and my family.

So, I am Carol, the mom....the one who cleans up after everyone. Korey is my husband, the dad...he is a police officer in the city of Rochester, NY....and the father to our 3 boys...Little Korey (and he will be called this until the day I die) he will be turning 13 next month, and has already started with the teen tude....then there is Jordan, he turned 9 in June...and then finally our little surprise, Jacob, he is 3. He is currently going through his terrible 2's late and he is learning the behavior of his older brothers.

I am a stay at home mom now, since we have had Jacob....but in these last few years my old job has called me back a number of times to help out, train new personel, do projects....for probably a total of at least 1 year....with a few months here and a few weeks there...and it was nice to be needed. I have not gone into work since February. I really miss it. I am also ready for school to start again, does that make me a bad mom? No, I don't really think so, I just realize it was easier to go to work and have someone else spend the summer with them, AND get paid for it....
Really, I love my kids, I am just still getting used to this whole stay at home mom thing I guess.

My parents recently moved from their home of 35 years to TN, the house that I grew up in was sold, and that was more emotional than I thought it would be. I rode my bike there was sad. But, my parents are happy in I need to be happy for them, right? I just wished we were closer.

Well, for not having much to say, I have said enough today...