Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not me!!

So most of you that know me, probably know that I am NOT into funky things....and I really don't think that I am that ridiculous when it comes to the things that Korey does, but my Big Korey tends to think so! I tend to get a bit tense about how things are done this time of the year, yeah, tense and frustrated....this blog is about that part of Big Korey's life that I REALLY want nothing to do with, HUNTING. He reminds me and others often of the fact that I went hunting with him BEFORE we were married...and fishing....and that I tricked him. Well, these are partial truths. I went hunting with him ONCE. We were in Idaho, and he wanted me to go Sage Hen?? hunting with him. So, I had never gone hunting before, and did not know what I was in for, but I agreed to go with him and his friend. I did not enjoy my first experience, not at all...and he should have realized that this was going to be a short lived joint activity for the two of us....with the tears that fell for the sage hen that I shot out of the sky and fell hard to the ground with a hollow thud. Those tears really should have been a good indicator, but then when I stated that I am never doing that again, well....that would be the end all to the debate in my mind. But for some reason, in a man fashion, he did not get it.
So, anyway, I HATE hunting season. I hate all that comes with it. Not just the funky animals that hang from various parts of the property, or their skins that are not allowed to hang from the living areas of the house...or the mess they leave with their boots, hats, gloves, clothing...or the tearing out of all the totes their supplies and leaving them out...these are just SOME of the reasons that I hate hunting season. We got married in the height of hunting season, something that he wishes yearly that someone would have warned him not to do. NEVER GET MARRIED DURING HUNTING SEASON. I would have to agree. Because by the time our anniversary hits, I hate him. Plain and simply put...a bit harsh, maybe. But first it was just shot gun season, then it evolved into bow season, which makes for more time prior to our anniversary to add to that frustration of the whole hunting mess it brings. So, recently it has been even prior to the deer season that I am now REALLY tired and irritated by hunting. The biggest mistake 2 young men made last week was to lie to me. To trick me. I trusted them, that they would not pull such a stunt. What could they possibly have done you ask? They brought over "Chicken Stew" that they made themselves. I believed them, and even tho I did not want to taste what these two young men made, with the coaxing from Big Korey (that should have been a warning flag to me, I know!) I tasted their stew. I felt that the base of the stew was OK, but that the "chicken" was stringy, and I could not stand it. But I praised them anyway. That is until I found out that this chicken was really SQUIRREL!!! Yes, you read it right, that they LIED and fed me SQUIRREL! What is probably most amusing to you all is that you know I am SO NOT INTO FUNKY FOODS!! Give me a Sheppard's pie and I am good. Tuna casserole, yup, I'll eat it...but you serve me some rodent, and I am going to freak. And freak is what I did. Just ask these two young men, well if you can find their bodies!! How DARE they!!

Korey felt that I got him back the other night by putting part of a pie in his face, it was basically just the cool whip top with a cherry that actually was rubbed into his face. He and his accomplices were laughing and carrying on about the stunt that they had pulled the previous week, I just could not take it anymore with out doing something. But if he feels that some COOL WHIP is the same as feeding someone squirrel, then boy is he wrong. He feels that I got him back and that I am being silly about the squirrel meat. I let him know that I am not the only one that would think this is just gross, and I am not the only one that would never eat it (unless tricked). So, we had to make calls, he picked the woman to call and verify what I knew, and he just could not face. I was right and he was wrong...but I have to say that it is my very favorite Sista D that said, "Well, if little Korey went to all the trouble of preparing it for me, that would be the only reason I would taste it." I assured her that I would never let him do that to her, and she thanked me. (But, boy she is a better person than I am, because pulling the "your son made this" would NOT work with rodents!)

And Korey, are you serious? You have to live with me...he best be afraid, VERY afraid, for this is not over, not at all.

So, I end this with my title, that it was NOT FUNNY, at least not to me.

As a side note, when you see me, you really don't need to make the comments that I have heard already...."feeling squirrely today?"....."Hey Rocky"....and the such. No, just don't.