Thursday, July 31, 2008

A brighter day....

Today was a much better day, the best day of the week so far! I have been really inspired to get reading the BOM more, and Katie (the View) shared with me a website to help move along this process for a procrastinator (me). LOVE IT! ( It is sooo cool! Anyway, my point is I have been actually doing it and I have felt better about that. I have had quite the week and I know it was me and my own attitude. So, anyway....after my YW Presidency meeting I was going to take the boys to see Wall-E at the theater. My middle son did not want to go, it is to old for that movie, he would rather go to my sisters to swim. So, Jacob and I had a mommy and me day. We have never gone to the movies alone, just the two of us. So, we headed in...of course got the popcorn, drink and sour patch candy...that cost more than the stinkin movie of course, but we had a great time. The movie was not what I thought it was going to be like, at the beginning there was no talking for a long time, but Jacob was really into it, so, it was cool with me. I need to do this sort of thing more with each one of the boys, I think it is great to do a one on one thing for all of us.
As well as realizing that, this week has been a week of revelation really, I realized I am craving family time. It is important as well as date time with just the husband. Korey and I NEVER do anything together it seems. He does his hunting, service, fishing, service, preparing for hunting, then preparing for fishing,more service projects, if you get what I mean. So, I realize that we need to do more things with just the two of us, have those date nights. Do more things as a complete family, not just me with the boys or him with the boys.....and to this in part I owe it to the blogs that I have been checking out....inspired you could really do more together. This will be so much easier since Korey will be off light duty soon from his foot surgery, and back on the road....he will then be on days once he goes back to regular duty. Since he has been a police officer he has NEVER worked days, so we got used to me do this with the boys and you do that with the boys mentality. So, having regular "business" hours is exciting for me and for the possibilities of fun we can now have together. I am very excited about this!

So, I guess the moral of my story today is taking the time to read my scriptures daily, and the daily prayers has helped me re-focus and realize that my family needs to be my priority and not sulk or mourn the loss of my career. (The money paying one....not the eternal blessings one....)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Carol, I really like your blog. Good things for each of us to remember!